Zac and Noelle
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OH...IO! We make a trip to Ohio at least once a year to visit with Noelle's sister and her husband as well as to see our niece and nephews. Sometimes Noelle get's to see old friends, but we always see an old friend in Greater's Ice Cream, and thanks to their dry ice transportation we bring some home to Maryland too!

This page is for all of the Ohio pictures from throughout the years...

At the Columbus Zoo with Scott and Sarah, Keegan, Trevor, and McKenna in 2009!

Uncle Zac with his nephew, Keegan.  It's his first trombone lesson!

Aunt Bean (Noelle's nickname) with Keegan from a summer trip to Sarah's house in 2008.

Thanksgiving 2009!

We love Aunt Bean!!!

 Noelle with the Mettle's on the pond at Ellen's house.